Archer Bray Mediation

As mental health professionals, we have found the most challenging cases to be healing the carnage of litigation. Our clients face anger, disappointment, and distrust, and in the case of custody mediation, children face instability, fear, and damaged relationships with their parents and sometimes other relatives. This negative impact is severely enhanced by the common court-based adversarial divorce process. 

We created ArcherBray Mediation, LLC to change this unproductive, tumultuous impact. In fact, because mediation is less expensive, less conflictual, and more time effective than traditional alternative dispute methods, many courts are beginning to refer couples to mediation to reduce courtroom backlog and encourage couples to craft their own resolutions. 

ArcherBray mediators are specially trained in divorce and custody mediation and are approved as York County court mediators; we will work with any attorney or legal advisor of your choosing. By facilitating co-operative decisions during mediation, we work to empower families and aim for a win-win outcome. 

Get In Touch

Feel free to reach out with any questions or inquiries you might have. The doors to our community are open to you, and we look forward to welcoming you soon.